The Divinity War

The gods, now divided, went to war. The gods of the Heaven real transformed the spirits of their most loyal followers into angels, elite and fierce warriors. In contrast, the gods of the Chaos realm turned their followers into demons, brutal and relentless. The angels and demons waged war in a space between the two realms called the Interplanar Bridge. The war, a cosmic battle of good against evil, claimed trillions of eternal lives and caused the gods to neglect the living realm, leading to chaos and ruin there.

From this despair, a new Prime God emerged—Prime Ordinis, God of Order and Balance. Prime Ordinis used his unique powers to restore balance to both the living realm and the Heaven and Chaos realms, ending the war and destroying the Interplanar Bridge. This act closed off the two realms from each other, allowing them to operate independently. The angels of Heaven and the demons of Chaos continue to influence the living world, seeking worshipers and pursuing their own ambitions. However, with Prime Ordinis standing between them, the two realms remain in check, each embodying and promoting their respective concepts of good and evil.